I first began writing about unconventional relationships in 2012, when I launched the blog SoloPoly.net. It was there that I published the post that triggered the entire Off the Escalator project: Riding the Relationship Escalator or Not? That post received wide attention from all kinds of places, not just the polysphere. I was glad that I […]
Table of Contents for Book 1
I’ve been working nonstop for the last month to finalize Book 1 for publication. I’m nearly there, it’ll be out in 2-3 weeks! Want to know exactly what it will contain? Here’s the table of contents. Enjoy!
Yes, I’m still working on this book. Preview of chapters done so far
Still making progress, even though I’ve been rather quiet about it. I’d hoped to be blogging more here, but it’s enough just to focus on finishing the editing process. I’d originally hoped to publish this book by the end of 2015. The editing process is proving to be much more involved than I anticipated, and […]
Project progress: 3 rules that are helping to shape my book
I’ve been busy, busy, busy revising my original manuscript for the first book in the Off the Escalator series — slimming it down from a gargantuan 105,000 words to around 60-70,000 words. For awhile I was really struggling with how to do this, especially how to better manage integrating quotes curated from over 1000 surveys. […]